General Dentistry


Having at least two checkups per year is vital to be sure we don’t let cavities go unnoticed until they’re large and painful and potentially become too deep into the tooth to restore with just a filling.

  • Oral wellness checkups and professional cleanings for adults and children
  • Personalized oral hygiene tips and instructions
  • Deep periodontal cleanings for those with periodontal disease

Professional cleanings get the irritating hardened calculus off of your teeth that your toothbrush cannot remove at home. If you’re suffering from gum inflammation and/or pain and even bone loss around your teeth, you may need a deeper periodontal cleaning to be sure that the disease doesn’t progress over time.

We recommend taking x-rays regularly so that we can examine the parts of the mouth we can’t see, like between the teeth and the bone under the gums.

Fluoride treatments give your teeth a boost of minerals and strength

Sealants help prevent cavities from forming in the deep grooves of your teeth.

We complete an oral cancer screening for every patient at every visit to be sure to rule out any abnormal areas on the gums, cheeks, or tongue that may not be noticed otherwise.

Restorative Dentistry

Cavities happen when the bacteria in your mouth attach to your teeth by sticking to the plaque that builds up and uses the food you eat as an energy source. After the bacteria uses your food for energy they release an acidic byproduct that breaks down your tooth structure, making it soft and dark. Over time the cavity only gets bigger and deeper. 

To fix this problem, we must clean out the soft decayed area of the tooth and put a composite filling in it to build the tooth back up to normal size and contour and to seal the inner layers of your tooth to help prevent another cavity from starting.

If too much tooth structure has been affected by the cavity or if you have many large fillings in your tooth that make it weak and susceptible to breaking, you may need a full coverage crown to build your tooth back up. These strengthen the tooth and seal it 360 degrees all the way to the gum line to give it the best chance at staying healthy for a longer period of time.

Prosthetic Dentistry

These are procedures to replace any missing teeth in the mouth.

Crowns on the teeth in front of and behind the missing tooth with a connected ‘pontic’ or fake tooth between them to close the space

If you’re missing tooth, a great option for replacing it is to have an implant placed in the bone by an oral surgeon. After the implant heals, we restore the area with a crown connected to the implant for a permanent and natural feeling and looking fix!

Removable partial dentures,now made with no metal and flexible gum-colored clasps!

A removable complete denture if all teeth in the arch need replaced.

Advanced Care

Routine Endodontic Therapy, root canal and extractions are offered for severely damaged teeth.

During a tooth extraction, dental tools are used to remove a tooth that has been damaged by root canal infection. The entire tooth is extracted, including the crown and roots. 

If the tooth has been infected due to a deep cavity or trauma, we can do a root canal procedure to remove the affected nerve tissue in the middle of the tooth and then fill it with gutta percha, a rubbery sealing material. This removes the diseased pulp tissue and allows you to keep the tooth! It is then usually restored with a crown to seal the tooth from any further bacterial infections and strengthen the treated tooth.