Cosmetic Dentistry

Feel confident in your smile.

Full Coverage Crowns

If too much tooth structure has been affected by the cavity or if you have many large fillings in your tooth that make it weak and susceptible to breaking, you may need a full coverage crown to build your tooth back up. These strengthen the tooth and seal it 360 degrees all the way to the gum line to give it the best chance at staying healthy for a longer period of time.


Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance.

Bleaching and Teeth Whitening

Custom made trays and whitening gel to brighten your smile!

Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment

We’re proud to offer Invisalign orthodontic treatment to our patients! These clear, comfortable, removable retainers correct your crowded, crooked, or spaced teeth into a straighter and more functional smile. You can remove them to eat and brush and they’re hardly noticeable when wearing them! Call for your consultation today!